Harnessing Technology for Inclusive UHC: Innovate, Integrate, Elevate

16-17 October 2024

Ciala resort, kisumu

Take part

Become a sponsor

Please see our sponsorship and exhibitor prospectus for more information below about how you can get involved and fill out this form to get in touch with us.

Why take part

Why become a sponsor?

We offer your organization the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to digital health technology as an industry leader. As a partner and sponsor of the Lake Region Digital Health Conference 2024, your organization will be showcased to industry leaders throughout the event.

Along with brand visibility, targeted marketing, and community goodwill, your sponsorship makes it possible for us to keep participation costs low, enabling a much broader audience to attend.

Tier 1

Partnership package 1

Tier 2

Partnership package 2

Tier 3

Partnership package 3

Ready to Take part

Become a sponsor!

Fill out the form at the start of the page to get in touch with us.