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Open Call for Abstracts

The Lake Region Digital Health Conference 2024 organizers are pleased to invite abstracts on a subset of our conference tracks from researchers, policymakers and key stakeholders

  • Digital Tools for Disease Surveillance and Epidemiology

  • E-Health and Mobile Health Innovations: Reaching Underserved communities

  • Addressing Emergency and Pandemic Preparedness 

  • Training and capacity building of health workforce to use digital health tools
  • Healthcare Financing and Sustainability in the Digital Era

  • Transition of Digital Health Innovations to the Govt on Sustainable basis
  • Regulatory Frameworks and Ethical Considerations in Digital Health
  • Health Information Systems: Leveraging Data for Better Decision-Making
  • Developing Sustainable Partnership Engagement Frameworks
  • Incentivizing Quality through Transparency
  • Driving Quality Improvement through Safe Care Dashboards
  • Digital Health Infrastructure: Building the Foundations for Transformation

Take part

Abstract Presentation Guidelines

Learn about abstract presentation guidelines here and later submit on the form.

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The Lake Region Digital Health Conference (LRDHC) 2024 Call for Abstracts is now open!

Do you know someone working on digital health research in Africa? Encourage them to submit an abstract by sharing our call on social media!

Download “Call for LRDHC 2024 Abstracts” graphics


You may wonder?

When will I be notified about my abstract's acceptance?

Notifications for accepted oral and poster presentations will be sent by 20 September 2024. Presenters must confirm their participation by 27 September 2024.

While previously presented abstracts may be considered at the jury’s discretion, priority will be given to new, unpublished work. Please refer to our detailed submission guidelines for more information.

Yes, you may edit your submission until the abstract submission deadline on 13 September 2024. After 27 September 2024, no further edits will be permitted. If significant changes occur after acceptance, please highlight these during your presentation.

Yes, we provide feedback on all submissions, regardless of acceptance status.

We regret that no late submissions can be accepted. We hope you’ll still join us in Kisumu for the conference.

Do abstract presenters need to attend the conference in person?

Yes, LRDHC 2024 is an in-person event. All presenters are expected to attend in Kisumu, Kenya.

Unfortunately, abstract presenters are required to pay the registration fee. If your abstract is accepted, we encourage you to seek financial support from your institution or other partners. We can provide an official acceptance letter to support your funding requests if needed. Contact for assistance.

Due to limited funding, we are unable to offer scholarships this year. We aim to provide this option in future conferences.

General Inquiries

For any other questions or inquiries about your specific submission, please contact us at